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Josh: Resetting the Soul

Josh: Resetting the Soul

Boys are different; or, the ones who have walked in, through, and out of my life sure are. Each one is oddly unique, but curiously similar. Deep thinking, observant humans have a way of finding one another. Josh is this type of person; and, lucky enough for me, he was...

Katie: Giving Back Fear

Katie: Giving Back Fear

Behind the scenes: From catching fish on a boat in Alaska to delivering babies in Haiti, Katie has experienced a wide array of God’s creativity and love. She is currently in her first term of nursing school, and is rapidly learning how to balance the fear she feels...

McKinzie: Who I Thought I Would Be

McKinzie: Who I Thought I Would Be

The first sentence of something new frequently sends me into a tailspin. How should I word this? What do I want to say? Where do I want this to go or end up? And, the whirlwind of my overthinking mind hurls me onward, towards complicating the simple questions and...

TiAnna: Claiming Hope

TiAnna: Claiming Hope

Not many people know, but I house a mildly crippling fear of pregnancy. It doesn’t haunt me or keep me awake at night; but, I do find I clothe myself in the fear of what if’s? What if my body isn’t capable of creating a baby? What if I cannot control my anxiety as...

Averi: Anticipating His Provision

Averi: Anticipating His Provision

Behind-the-scenes: Do you ever look at someone, put them in a box, and then realize how completely wrong you are? I don’t do this too often, but Averi was that person in my life. I grew up watching her in high school, wondering what it was like to have so many people...

Micah: Dreaming for the Day

Micah: Dreaming for the Day

I never learned to dream. Instead, I rapidly developed the ability to people-please and listen to what other people’s dreams were for me. When I met with Micah--an old friend--I wanted to understand how someone as passionate and extremely driven as her could possibly...