by McKinzie Knoll | Aug 14, 2018 | Interviews, My Heartbeat
Behind the scenes: This conversation is a result of my own vulnerability and God’s intervention. Prior to our meeting, Joelle and I had only met one other time at a summer camp (YAY Triangle Lake). I arrived with leftover tears in my eyes, still fighting to be...
by McKinzie Knoll | Aug 7, 2018 | Interviews, My Heartbeat
When I first met Lily at a local, Salem coffee shop, we were two strangers. Yet, I quickly found she housed a contagious joy within her royal blue eyes and burst of red hair. Life was hers to be conquered and explored. Her blog, Floral Bookshelves, is her outlet, or...
by McKinzie Knoll | Jul 31, 2018 | My Heartbeat
God, Here I am. I have guarded my heart for 23 years; and now, I am desperate to have it be seen. Hiding behind smiles, sarcasm, or well-crafted answers is not going to work anymore. I often wander through my days, weeks, even years, with fear and doubt as my guides....
by McKinzie Knoll | Jul 10, 2018 | My Heartbeat
I believe we–as humans–were made for a purpose. Our bodies are an astounding testament to it. Eyelashes, fingerprints, and the wrinkles we acquire as we age leave me in awe. Yet, there is one part of being a human I cannot get enough of, cannot appreciate...
by McKinzie Knoll | Jul 3, 2018 | My Heartbeat, Stories
You know those moments that catch you off guard, the ones that steal breath from your lungs and moisture from your eyes? I lived in one of those moments recently. I was sitting across from a beautiful soul named Heather. Picture with me: straw blonde hair and...
by McKinzie Knoll | Jun 5, 2018 | My Heartbeat, Stories
Have you ever met someone who you thought could not exist? This may sound like a strange question to some, but it is one I have had to answer “yes” twice in my life. The first “yes” was the day I met my future husband, Justin. I, honestly, did not believe a man could...