by McKinzie Knoll | Dec 11, 2018 | Interviews
Behind the scenes: I typically give a brief look into the relationship I have with the person I interviewed here. However, this weeks interviewee is significant and a special case. No light or heavy words will be left here to describe her. She doesn’t want them...
by McKinzie Knoll | Sep 25, 2018 | Interviews
Behind-the-scenes: This beautiful soul and I collided when we were both camp counselors in 2013–a magical year. Emily has the zest for life that only a handful of people are given, and it is what draws people to her. She reached out with a strand of hope that...
by McKinzie Knoll | Apr 27, 2018 | Interviews
Proverbs 31:25 “She is clothed with strength and dignity…” This woman–Kaylyn–is extraordinary. We first met at a week-long mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. As a young, impressionable 20-year-old, I was left struck by her confidence in God’s sovereignty and in His...