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Baby Shower

for McKinzie Knoll
Registry: Amazon


With our present circumstances being what they are, we have decided to forgo an in-person baby shower. Instead, we are inviting you to enjoy and participate in a different way. Enclosed with our original invitation are three things:

  • A *photo of McKinzie & baby girl at 20 weeks
  • A **bookmark/reminder to pray for McKinzie and baby in the coming weeks
  • A blank **card to write advice or wisdom on and mail back to McKinzie.

We hope each of these things will allow you the opportunity to see where our heart was in planning for this shower, and extend you the ability to love Kinz well.

If you wish to purchase a gift on behalf of the soon-to-be momma, then she is still registered on Amazon. In the spirit of creativity, we will be sending a surprise gift to the person who sends the 1st, 7th, and 11th gift.

Thank you for being someone who has impacted McKinzie’s life, and we are excited to see how we all change as a result of her bringing her daughter into this world.

*Captured by Brianna Nuttbrock
**Created by Jennifer Lewis