Recently, I read Proverbs 3, and was struck by a phrase tucked within it.
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.” — Proverbs 3:3
This phrase brought me to a place of wonder. Does everyone have something written on their heart? My immediate reaction was “yes!” The heart is the well-spring of our life, so when someone has the Spirit of God within them, they are pouring something out of themselves. And, here lies the beginning of Tablet of the Heart.
I want to find, discover, collect what God has hidden within the hearts of the people I know and have yet to know. This could mean befriending new people at my local church, striking up a conversation with a teenager in a bookstore, or asking a thoughtful question to a couple on the sidewalk. No one is off-limits because we all were knit-together by the same hand of God.
My mind asks me two questions.
Where will this lead? I am not sure; But, I hope to find people more extraordinary and beautiful than I ever have before. And, I hope the same for those who accompany me on this journey of discovering.
What will this do? Whatever God wants these stories to do, He will do it. At the end of the day, or this life, I want to glorify God through exposing what He has authored in each person’s heart. He has connected us all to one another, and we need to stop to listen to what He has authored within us.
If you want to share or know someone who has a story written upon their heart, then please reach out to me. I want to listen, learn, and fall more in love with God’s creativity…and hopefully, help others do the same in the process.