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McKinzie: Knowing Who I Am

McKinzie: Knowing Who I Am

I am alive, extraordinarily alive. I love to sing, sing loud and passionately. I am moved with and by music and the space in time it brings me into. My memories are hidden in music. I breathe in pain, wear it for awhile, and then let laughter and hope hang it back up...
Jon: Wrestling an Emotional Identity

Jon: Wrestling an Emotional Identity

Behind the scenes: Where do I even begin? Jon exudes life and an infectious love wherever he goes, which explains why we were best friends in high school. He challenged me to be weird and see things outside of the norm; and in the process, taught me how to be brave....
Samantha: Finding the Key

Samantha: Finding the Key

Behind the scenes: Sam and I grew up together…yes, the awkward years of braces, acne, and emotional roller coasters. However, neither of us got stuck in those times. Rather, she has become a powerful whirlwind of love, advocacy, and of freedom. She and her...
Kaylyn: A Story of Promise

Kaylyn: A Story of Promise

Proverbs 31:25 “She is clothed with strength and dignity…” This woman–Kaylyn–is extraordinary. We first met at a week-long mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. As a young, impressionable 20-year-old, I was left struck by her confidence in God’s sovereignty and in His...