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Alright, let me introduce Hailey. She is a lover of Abiqua Falls, Salem, and her family–Cody and Wesley. While I have not known Hailey for long, in the short time I have spent with her, my soul knows she is valuable. This woman brings a quiet strength into any room she is in. Spending time with her and little Wesley brought me to a simpler time, a time of peace and faith. Delve into part of her life story with me; and hopefully, take a bit more peace with you than what you had before. 

How has God shown you that you are strong? 

“That’s a hard question. I know a lot of people think I am strong because I have epilepsy, but I still have seizures as I am raising him—Wesley. Cody has to help me often because I don’t have a lot of energy to do everyone of the ‘normal’ mom things.”


“I guess having seizures and making it through. I typically have a good attitude, and I try not to ask the question ‘why me?’ because it draws me deeper into the dark times.”

Do you choose to have that attitude, or does it come naturally to you?

“I think it comes naturally. I have never had to tell myself to be positive; rather, I recognize that this is my life. That God has set this aside for me and that is that.” 


“Since being a mom, it has affected me more because my condition doesn’t just affect me anymore. I’m not working out, getting strong. Instead, I am sitting around doing nothing most of the time.”


“But, it’s because you can’t plan things when you have epilepsy. When I was in high school, that’s when it was super bad. I would have assignments and I didn’t know if I was going to be there to turn them in. I had friends say, ‘we are going to hang out on Saturday.’ My answer was always, ‘I don’t know’ or ‘maybe.’ I had to be a live in the now’ type of person. I can do things right now, but  I don’t know how it will be tomorrow.”


 Where do you find peace amidst the storms of life?

The Sunday school answer: Jesus.”


 Unpack the why of Jesus.

“At one point, I had nothing. I had no control.


People always talk about how they need control and they don’t like to lose it. But I had no control over my body, none.  So, I really have to give all of that over to Jesus because I didn’t. That just kind of continued to now. Even though I am better and have more control, I have to practice giving that control back.


I tell myself, ‘I don’t need it.’

Even with Wes, we pray a lot about his life and we know we don’t have control over what happens. I am a very chill, mellow person, which I think partially comes from my personality but also from faith. My faith is stronger because it has been tested.”


How would you encourage others to practice choosing faith?

1. “Not making as many plans.”

 “What is it called? Oh, the disease of busyness. It is so common today. We have so many choices and you can do whatever you want. You can get a masters degree. You can buy a house.  You can save money or go into debt. We have so many choices we can make, and so we do.”


  1. Be stressed out at work and leave the stress at work.

Which is easy for me to say since I don’t have a job.”


  1. Finding peace in being peaceful.

“It is harder to be peaceful when your life is crazy. With my epilepsy, I couldn’t have a crazy life. It forced me to slow down. Before then, I wanted to go to med school.”


Does the way you live life make you feel insignificant? When do you feel insignificant? 

“In the moments when I don’t remind myself that I am.”


“I think that is something that stay-at-home-moms struggle with. I don’t contribute what I feel like I should contribute. We share a bank account, but I don’t put anything into that. On certain days, I don’t feel significant because of that. However, I remind myself that I have the most important job in the world—raising my son. 


Do you believe you have a story worth hearing or sharing?

“Probably. There are a lot of people with medical problems that you cannot compare it or relate it to anything else. Medical problems are their own thing. So, people with epilepsy have been a huge encouragement to me throughout my life.”

“But, my story can also open peoples eyes to see.”

People have amazing stories to share, they just have to be given the right environment to share them.

A Proposal

Today: Say “no” to a busying task

This week: Draw a diagram of the peaceful things in your heart

This month: Find a peaceful place and visit it often